2016年2月20日 星期六


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??????????????????,?????????????!???? esor huang(????)??????,??????,???,????,??????????!??????: esorhjy@gmail.com // via fulltextrssfeed.com

????? iPhone iPad ?????????????
Friday, February 19, 2016 7:35 PMesor huang

??????AirMore ??????? Android ???????????????????,?? AirMore ???????,??????????????:? Apowersoft ????????,? iPhone ? iPad ???????? Windows ? Mac ???

??????????????,?????? Mac ???? iPhone ???????,???? USB ????(??????????! iPhone ???????????????),??????????,?????? Windows ???????

? Apowersoft ???????????????????,????? JB ??? iPhone ? iPad ,?? iOS ???????????????????????,? iPhone ? iPad ??? Windows ? Mac ??????,???????????????

????????? iPhone ? iPad ??,??????????????,? 3 ???????,????????(???????????????????)?

??????,????????? iPhone ??? Apowersoft ????????????????,????????????????,??????????????????? Mac ??,? Windows ???????????

???,???????????? Apowersoft ???????????,? iPhone ? iPad ???? AirPlay ???????????


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Windows ? Mac ????? Apowersoft ????????????,??????? iPhone ? iPad ?

???????????,?? iOS ???????,??????????????????,??????????????[ AirPlay ]????

??[ AirPlay ]???,????? Apowersoft ???????????????? AirPlay ??,???,???[????]?

????, iPhone ? iPad ???????????? Windows ? Mac ????!??????????,????????????????



? Apowersoft ??????????

?????????,??????,???????????????? esor huang(????),???????:????? iPhone iPad ?????????????

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3600 O'Donnell Street, Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21224. (410) 230-0061

2016年2月18日 星期四


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??????????????????,?????????????!???? esor huang(????)??????,??????,???,????,??????????!??????: esorhjy@gmail.com // via fulltextrssfeed.com

AirMore ??????? Android ?????????
Thursday, February 18, 2016 11:43 PMesor huang

?????????????????,?????????????????????????,??? iOS ?,???? Android ?,????????:

??????????????,????????????:??????????,??????,?????? USB ??????????(??????????),??????????????????????????

?????????????????????:? AirMore ?,????????? Android ????????????? Windows? Mac? Linux ?????,????,?????????????????,??????????,????????????????????

? AirMore ??????,??????????????????????????????????,?????????? AirDroid ??

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?????? Android ??????? AirMore ?? Android App ?

???????????,??????? AirMore ? App ,?? App ?????????,???????????????(?????)???,????????????????

??????????????????????? WiFi ??????

?? AirMore ?????????,??????? AirMore ?????????,????????????????


????? Windows ? Mac ??,????????,??????????,???????? AirMore ???????,?????????


???????????????,??? AirMore ??? App ??????????????,??????,???????????,????????????????

???,????????,???? AirMore ????,??????????????????,?????? MB ???????????,???????


????????????????????????,??? AirMore ???,????? AirMore ????????[??]??,??????? Android ?????????,?????????!



? AirMore ???

?????????,??????,???????????????? esor huang(????),???????:AirMore ??????? Android ?????????

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3600 O'Donnell Street, Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21224. (410) 230-0061


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??????????????????,?????????????!???? esor huang(????)??????,??????,???,????,??????????!??????: esorhjy@gmail.com // via fulltextrssfeed.com

10:15:00 AMesor huang











???? iPhone iPad ??

?????????,??????,???????????????? esor huang(????),???????:????????!??,???????????

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3600 O'Donnell Street, Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21224. (410) 230-0061

2016年2月17日 星期三


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??????????????????,?????????????!???? esor huang(????)??????,??????,???,????,??????????!??????: esorhjy@gmail.com // via fulltextrssfeed.com

??! Google Now ? Inbox ???? Yahoo ??
9:32:00 PMesor huang

?? Google ??????????,??? Gmailify ?,??? Gmail ??????????????? Yahoo? Hotmail? Outlook ????,???? Yahoo ??????? Gmail ??????????????,?????????????????

??(2015?)??? Gmail App ?????? Yahoo ????????,?????????,?????????,??????? Gmail ????????????,????? Gmailify ?????? Gmail ? Yahoo ?????????!

?????,??????????,???? Gmailify ????????????? Google ? Yahoo ???????:

??????? Google Now ????? Inbox ??????????? Yahoo? Outlook ? Hotmail ??????

0. ? Google Now ? Google Inbox ?????? Yahoo ??

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??????? Yahoo ????? Gmailify ?? Gmail ????,?? Yahoo ?????????????????,??????????????????????

??????,??????? Gmail  App ?? Yahoo ??,??? Google Inbox ?????? Yahoo ?????(???????,??????????????????????????)?

1. ?????? Yahoo ????? Gmail ??

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?????? Gmail Android App ???(????? iOS App ????),??? Gmail App ???????????? Yahoo? Outlook ? Hotmail ???


?? Yahoo? Outlook ? Hotmail ??????,????????????????,????????????? Gmail ??,??? Yahoo ????? Gmail ???

??????????? Yahoo ?????????????????????? Gmail App ????,???? Google ???????

2. ????? Yahoo ??!???? Google ? Yahoo ??????

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3. ????,???? Yahoo ? Google ?????

????????????????,??????? Gmail App ?,???????????? Yahoo ??? Gmail ??,???? Gmail ??,?????????????????,???????

?????????,?????????????????????? Yahoo ????,???????? Yahoo ??? Google ???, Google Inbox ??????? Yahoo ???????, Google Now ?????????????!

Google ???????????????????????,?? Gmail ? Google ????????


?????????,??????,???????????????? esor huang(????),???????:??! Google Now ? Inbox ???? Yahoo ??

RSSFWD - From RSS to Inbox
3600 O'Donnell Street, Suite 200, Baltimore, MD 21224. (410) 230-0061